Cellulite Disappear System Review – Should You Try It?

Filed in Reviews by on June 10, 2015 8 Comments

cellulite disappear
Hi and welcome!

In this post we will review the Cellulite Disappear system by Dr. Helen Kirshner.

To make everything easier for you we will break down this post into two sections:

1. A brief section with some basic information regarding the Cellulite Disappear system.

2. A complete review that will cover the Cellulite Disappear guide in details and present you with all the information which we feel you need to understand about Dr. Helen Kirshner’s cellulite solution…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Cellulite Disappear

Author: Dr. Helen Kirshner

Release Date: 2015

Learning Format: Downloadable guide

Refund Policy: Full refund guarantee for 2 months

Official Website: http://www.cellulitefix.org


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Created by Dr. Helen Kirshner, an endocrinologist and a former sufferer of cellulite, “Cellulite Disappear” is a step-by-step guide that will reveal to you a scientifically proven and natural way to permanently eliminate cellulite in as fast as 22 days – without using expensive creams, fad diets, or useless workouts.

Dr. Helen Kirshner says that just like you, she also had to accept the fact that her cellulite will never go away. She avoided looking at the mirror or wearing tight-fitting pants and swim suits for a long time. She had to endure other people’s not-so-nice reactions, including her husband’s.

But during a vacation trip to Costa Rica, she happened to watch an interview of Dr. Juergen Rubin, a dermatologist who has been researching cellulite for over two decades. According to Dr. Juergen, the root cause of cellulite is decreased amount of estrogen, a hormone that’s naturally produced by women. And that’s why anti-cellulite creams, supplements, and exercising do nothing to solve this problem effectively.

Here’s a brief explanation:

Due to a decreased level of estrogen in your body, circulating nutrients and oxygen are also depleted, which in turn causes a decrease in the production of collagen. As the thin membrane of collagens start to shrink (due to low estrogen amount), they create that “orange peel” effect that’s characteristic of cellulite.

The solution according to Dr. Juergen and Dr. Helen Kirshner is to get the right nutrients that could be found in a variety of foods, BUT at specific quantities and combinations. These foods can be bought at your local grocery store and you’ll learn everything about them and the recommended nutrients, including the right combinations and quantities, in the Cellulite Disappear guide.

Aside from the Cellulite Disappear main manual, Dr. Helen Kirshner also provides two bonuses at no additional cost:

Bonus #1: Inside the “Detox Miracle” guide, you’ll discover…

• How you can avoid chronic illnesses that are caused by toxin build-up in your body.
• A list of horrible and surprising toxins found in foods, household products, environment, and clothing.
• Everything about body flushing, natural detoxification, dieting, addiction and treatment methods, and so on…

Bonus #2: The “7-Day Energy Turbo Booster” guide will share the following information:

• How bentonite clay helps your body gets rid of poisonous and energy-draining materials in your colon.
• How your breathing can affect your energy levels.
• Tips on how you can maximize the amount of nutrients and energy you get from the foods you consume, and much more…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


A Natural And Permanent Solution

Based on user feedbacks online and Dr. Helen Kirshner’s experience, you can expect to completely eliminate your cellulite in just around 3-5 weeks by using the Cellulite Disappear system. However, even within 7 to 14 days, you’ll probably already feel improvements.

The best part is that this is a natural solution and no fad diets, supplements, expensive creams, massages, crazy workouts, or cosmetic medical procedures are needed in order to get results.

Saves You Money

What have you tried so far? How much did you spend overall? If you’re really serious to get rid of your cellulite, we bet you’ve already spent at least hundreds of dollars.

Get this. Topical solutions for cellulite could cost between $39 and $77, more or less. Smartlipo, a laser-assisted liposuction, costs around $5,000 per session. You could also try lasers and radio-frequency treatments, which could easily cost $300 and up per session. You need 4 to 8 sessions, by the way.

With the Cellulite Disappear program you only need to spend a relatively cheaper one-time fee for the manual and additional bonuses, as well as the foods you need to consume daily for 3 weeks or so. While more efforts will be required on your part compared to the other solutions we mentioned above, there is no doubt that the Cellulite Disappear system can help you save lots of money.

Can Be Integrated To Your Routine Easily

The great thing about using the Cellulite Disappear system by Dr. Helen Kirshner is that you can easily integrate it into your daily schedule. Sure, you have to make some changes in your lifestyle, but it doesn’t have to be drastic. We believe this will suit most women’s lifestyle and diet just fine.

Gives You Back Your Confidence

Well, this is the ultimate benefit of using the Cellulite Disappear program. It gives its users the confidence to wear a two-piece swimsuit, short skirt, or shorts without dreading other people’s reactions because of their “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” legs.

The Author Offers A Full Refund Policy

Dr. Helen Kirshner is very confident that her Cellulite Disappear system will deliver its users the promised results, and she said that she will be more than willing to give you back every penny you spent on her program within sixty days in case you will not find it useful for you.

Considering that you should feel real improvement in just around 2-5 weeks, we feel that this is a very decent money back guarantee…


The Main Cons


Focuses Only On Diet

While we agree with most of the things that Dr. Helen Kirshner describes inside her guide, we personally believe that the best way to eliminate cellulite is to combine the right diet with the right anti-cellulite exercises. We don’t say that the Cellulite Disappear system doesn’t work, however we do believe that women who have enough free time should consider following some specific exercises in order to improve their chances to get the best results.

If you are looking for such exercises, you won’t find them inside the Cellulite Disappear guide.

Consistency Is A Must

Sounds obvious, right? It is. Sadly, there are people who easily give up or don’t have the patience to apply what they learned day in and day out. Are you one of them? If yes, you may want to keep your money and just skip this guide.

Sold In Digital Format Only

The Cellulite Disappear system can only be bought online and this doesn’t have a hard copy version. If you’re used to leafing through a physical book, you’ll have to print out a copy for you, which can add to the total cost of the system…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 8.5/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Bonus items - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9/10

Overall, the Cellulite Disappear program can be a great solution for women who want to get rid of their cellulite and don’t want to spend lots of money or put in many hours exercising, and this guide by Dr. Helen Kirshner gets an average rating of 8.6/10 from us.

While we still believe that the right combination between anti-cellulite exercises and specific diet can help produce results faster, there is no doubt that not all women have time for that, and this is why we truly believe that the Cellulite Disappear system can be a very practical solution for most women who suffer from cellulite…

The thing we really like about the Cellulite Disappear program is that it promotes all natural and healthy lifestyle, and there is no need to follow fad diets, taking supplements, or spending lots of money on expensive creams and cosmetic medical procedures in order to benefit from it. In addition, the fact that you can easily integrate this program it into your daily schedule is also a big advantage.

All in all, if you are looking for a natural solution for cellulite that was designed to deliver long-term results without spending lots of hours in the gym or tons of money on different creams, then the Cellulite Disappear program may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the sixty days money back guarantee that Dr. Helen Kirshner provides gives you plenty of time to follow her Cellulite Disappear system for around 3-4 weeks and to see for yourself if it truly helps you or not. If you believe that it didn’t help you at all, then you can simply ask Dr. Helen for all your money back…

Comments (8)

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  1. Peter Crawford says:

    Do you sell in uk?

    • The Diet Talk Team says:

      Hey Peter, we don’t sell anything, we only reviewed the program here. With that said, since this is a digital product, you can order it with no problem from the UK. We hope that it helps!

  2. Alroy Eachan says:


    How is it we, those of us reading your review, are to be sure you are not directly tied to the program or Dr. Kirshner? I apologize for sounding pessimistic, but when we search for information on the Cellulite Disappear Guide online, nearly every link snakes its way back to the promotional page or purchase page for the product. It is as if they flooded the online forum so avoid anyone identifying negative feedback.

    I am hoping you will provide a valid, reliable response to this question.

    Thank you in advance for your time,


    • The Diet Talk Team says:

      Hey Alroy and thanks for your comment. In each of our reviews we try to provide our honest opinions after in-depth research on the internet and after going through the material of the product ourselves. We try to provide information about the pros & cons and to give a final rating based on everything we explained. If we get negative feedback from our site visitors about a specific product, we always mention it in the relevant review. Regarding the Cellulite Disappear System, so far we haven’t got any negative testimonials from our visitors. If you tried the program and you can share your experience it will be great… We hope that it helps 🙂

  3. Britny Stewart says:

    I’m wondering if I would have to avoid alcohol and caffeine while using the program? Also, I eat a low carb diet, approx less than 50g a day-would I be able to maintain this?

    • The Diet Talk Team says:

      Hi Britny, please contact the Cellulite Disappear support team with this question and tell them more about your specific condition. This way, they will be able to provide you with the most accurate answer. We wish you the best!

  4. Christine Malcom says:

    Could you please give me more information on your product

    • The Diet Talk Team says:

      Hi Christine, not sure we understand your question 🙂 All the details about the Cellulite Disappear System are mentioned in our review. If you have specific questions regarding your unique situation then we will recommend you contacting their support team via the official website. We hope that it helps…

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