Best Ingredients For Detox Smoothies To Lose Weight

Filed in Weight Loss by on February 4, 2016 0 Comments

Detox Smoothies To Lose Weight


There is no doubt that detoxing has become a huge trend in the weight loss industry.

Detoxing to lose weight is actually a very effective way to help kick start your body’s own natural ability to shed pounds.

In this article, we will be going over some of the top ingredients that you should get into your body if you are looking to lose weight via detox method(s).

Without further ado, here are some of the best ingredients for detox smoothies:

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C should be a staple in just about anyone’s diet. You want to make sure that you are getting a good amount of vitamin C in your diet so that you are able to provide your body with the energy and antioxidants that it needs in order to flush toxins out of your body. The good news is that you should be able to find all kinds of vitamin C sources that you can utilize for your detox needs including lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits. These are excellent sources and contain large amounts of vitamin C by themselves.

2. Berries

Another effective ingredient that you are going to want to implement into your detox smoothie routine are berries. Berries are very good for your detox needs because you are going to be able to effectively provide your body with all kinds of antioxidants that it can use to kill off free radicals and rid your body of toxins. Berries also have a lot of high vitamin contain including vitamin C which is known to have the unique ability to help promote all kinds of healthy processes in your body.

3. Leafy Greens

If you want to rid your body of all kinds of toxins, you are going to want to place a significant amount of leafy greens in your diet. Leafy greens can go a long ways towards allowing your body to detox itself. Because leafy greens contain all kinds of vitamins and nutrients, including chlorophyll, your body will be able to experience excellent detox benefits as a result. Chlorophyll is known to be a very effective detoxifying agent.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another excellent ingredient that you might want to get into your diet and smoothie recipes is apple cider vinegar. This particular ingredient is a great ingredient to get into your recipe because it is going to allow your body to balance out it’s natural pH levels. This alone will help your body in it’s own efforts to detoxify itself. Because your body is going to have more balanced pH levels, it will be able to more effectively and efficiently operate. Also, apple cider vinegar is naturally antibacterial which means that it will even help to get rid of bacteria.

5. Carrots

Another excellent ingredient that you can get into your recipes would be carrots. Because carrots contain a ton of vitamin A and other vitamins, your body will be able to ward off all kinds of free radicals as vitamin A is an excellent and powerful antioxidant. Also, carrots contain a lot of fiber. If you are trying to detox, you are going to want to get as much fiber into your diet as you possibly can. Fiber will ultimately help with the elimination process. Therefore, by getting more fiber into your diet, you should be able to optimize and increase your detoxification efforts.

As you can see, there are plenty of different things that you are going to want to get into your smoothies and diet in order to maximize your detoxification processes.

If you want to maximize your detoxification efforts, you are going to want to include a majority of these ingredients or at the very least drink a variety of them at all times. Leafy greens are going to be your most effective staple against toxins.

Therefore, you can create all kinds of different smoothies that will help you get rid of various toxins with a base of leafy greens. Simply add various fruits and vegetables to your base of leafy greens and you should be able to enjoy all different kinds of smoothies. This will allow you to get a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet and it will effectively maximize your detoxification efforts.

If you need some ideas on great detox smoothies to lose weight then the video below can also help… All the best!


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