MDPlan Review – Is This Membership Service For You?

Filed in Reviews by on February 7, 2016 0 Comments



Hi there and welcome!

On this page we will review the MDPlan service.

To make everything more convenient for you we will divide this page into two sections:

1. A quick section that contains basic information regarding the MDPlan membership.

2. A full review that will cover the MDPlan service in details and present you with all the information that we think you need to know about it…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: MDPlan

Kind Of Product: Remote healthcare service

Refund Policy: 30 Day cancellation period

Official Website:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

In simple words, “MDPlan” is a remote healthcare service that gives free access to US board-certified doctors, who can give proper diagnosis, treatment options for common medical issues, and prescriptions (if needed), from the comfort of your home.

Here’s how the MDPlan works:

1st Step: You create a free account with MDPlan to be able to set an appointment and talk to a licensed doctor via phone, smartphone, tablet, or personal computer.

2nd Step: A US board-certified doctor will contact you via phone or video chat. The average callback time is 16 minutes.

3rd Step: You’ll get a personalized treatment plan, including a drug prescription if applicable. The MDPlan doctor or nurse could relay your prescription to your local pharmacy for pickup.

In general, the MDPlan membership offers many options, including the following:

Teladoc – This is an online video or phone consultation with a licensed doctor or pediatrician.

Pharmacy – This gives you access to 10% to 85% discount on most prescriptions. There are over 60,000 participating pharmacies, including Walgreens, CVS, and Target.

Eye care – You’re entitled to up to 60% discount on exams, laser surgery, and eyewear.

Dental services – Depending on the provider, you can avail of 15% to 50% discount per visit on special and general dental procedures.

Chiropractic – You can use your membership to get a 30% to 50% discount on treatments, diagnostic testings, and x-rays.

Counseling – If you’re depressed, stressed out, problematic, or anxious, MDPlan has experienced counselors on standby 24/7.

Medical equipment supply – The supplies you order, such as wheelchairs, beds, and scooters, are entitled to 20% to 50% discount.

Diabetes management – MDPlan offers discounts on supplies, customized diabetes care plans, and other diabetes management services.

Clinical laboratories – This service is not available in certain States.

Vitamin supplements – This service will help you find the best prices online for trusted nutrition and wellness products.

MRI & CT scans – You can use your membership to save as much as 50% to 75% on standard MRI, Ultrasound, and CT scan charges.

Long-term elder care – MDPlan’s doctors will help you determine your needs, offer options, and continuous support to ensure the quality of life of your loved ones…

Click Here To Learn More About The MDPlan Membership And The Way It Works!


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Saves You Money

Visiting your doctor is with no doubt expensive. According to the American Medical Association, Americans spent an average of $104 for a 15-minute consultation back in 2011. That doesn’t include laboratory tests or meds. Healthcare Blue Book’s data suggest that patients with minor problems spend $68 for a 10-minute consultation. [Source:]

With MDPlan, the initial subscription is approximately $30 per month. That price already includes all immediate family members. Not to mention, you also get discounts on different services.

For instance, MDPlan’s pharmacy program could generally save you 10% to 85% on short-term drugs.


Taking a time off from work can also cost you a lot of money. What’s a bigger inconvenience is you drive down to the doctor’s office and wait for hours just to get a diagnosis, which you may already know about.

The great thing about telehealth services, like MDPlan, is you can get an evaluation and diagnosis at home. You don’t have to be absent from work or shell out money for transportation.

Security And Peace Of Mind

Not everyone can afford health care. In fact, 30 million insured Americans skip doctor consultations because of the high costs. [1]

MDPlan offers members good health protection for themselves and their loved ones without the overwhelming medical bills every month. No more stress and sleepless nights!

Assurance Of Privacy

MDPlan is using strong encryption techniques in order to ensure your personal information remains private. The site itself seems to be safe and legit, according to, which based its rating on different factors, like the site’s location, reviews, phishing, ownership details, and threats.

Cancel Any Time

MDPlan renews your subscription every 30 days. If you wish to cancel your membership for whatever reason, you can do so any time by calling them at 877-395-2114. We doubt you’ll have to do that, though.


The Main Cons


Service Limitations

MDPlan doesn’t allow members to pick a specific doctor or talk to a specialist. Their doctors can’t issue prescriptions for non-therapeutic drugs, like Viagra, and controlled drugs.

Like with other telehealth services, that doctors at MDPlan can only treat common and non-emergency health issues, such as colds, flu, allergies, and urinatry tract infection.

Telecommunication Problems

Communication problems may arise during the consultation due to faulty internet speed or web server problems. And because the consultation happens through phone or online, the doctor can’t perform a thorough physical examination on the patient to confirm his or her diagnosis.

Not A Replacement For Health Insurance

MDPlan is not a complete replacement for insurance. The good news is many hospitals and major health insurers, like Medicare, already cover telemedicine services…


3. Our Verdict

So, should you subscribe to MDPlan?

Well, we definitely believe it’s worth checking out.

The biggest benefit of telehealth services, such as MDPlan, is that you don’t have to take time off from work and travel just to see your doctor for a non-emergency case. It’s really a waste of time and money.

With this service, it only takes a couple of minutes to register and put in your health history, and then you just need to wait around 16 minutes to speak to a licensed and experienced doctor right in the comfort of your home.

In our opinion, both employers and employees will benefit from this service, and the great thing is that the cost of the MDPlan membership is equivalent to $1 per day. This is really a big help to those individuals or families who can’t afford to spend $50 and more for each visit to a doctor.

Of course, like other telehealth providers, there are also downsides to MDPlan.

One of the biggest disadvantages that we identified is that you don’t have the luxury to establish an exclusive relationship with a particular doctor you want. Sometimes, we’re more comfortable speaking to a healthcare provider that we already trust.

In addition, if you don’t have a reliable internet connection, if you have an emergency or urgent health condition, or if you’re planning not to get a health insurance, then the MDPlan membership might not be a good option for you.

On the other hand, if you’re tired of expensive medical bills, if you want good health protection for you and your loved ones that you can afford, or if you simply don’t want to travel and wait for hours to see your doctor for a minor health issue, then the MDPlan service is a great option for you.

Moreover, since you can cancel your subscription any time you want, the risk with the MDPlan membership is very minimal…

Well, this is it for our MDPlan review. We hope the information in this review was informative and useful for you, and we wish you a good health!

Click Here To Claim Your Exclusive Membership To MDPlan Without Any Long Term Contract Or Obligation!


[1] Jessica Firger. (2015, May 21). “Many Insured Americans Can’t Afford Health Care.” Newsweek. Retrieved from

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