P3-OM Review – Is This Probiotics Supplement For You?

Filed in Reviews by on November 23, 2016 0 Comments

p3 om probiotic supplement


Hey friend and welcome!

On this page we will review the P3-OM probiotic supplement by Wade Lightheart.

For your convenience, we will break down this page into two parts:

1. A short section with some basic details about P3-OM.

2. A full review, which will cover this supplement in detail and provide you with all the important information we feel you must know about it…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: P3-OM

Creator: Wade Lightheart

Release Date: 2016

Kind Of Product: Probiotic Supplement

Refund Policy: 100% refund policy for 8 weeks

Official Site: http://www.p3om.com


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Created by Wade Lightheart, a 3-time bodybuilding champion, advisor for The American Anti-Cancer Institute, and Director of Education for BiOptimizers, P3-OM is a unique supplement that was designed to help you maximize the protein from the foods you consume, improve your digestion, and help you lose weight and build muscle faster.

Wade Lightheart says that the common misconception is to eat more protein to increase muscle gain. However, according to Wade, doing that is useless if your body doesn’t absorb it. He explains that to have good protein digestion, you need to have more good bacteria (probiotics) than bad bacteria. You’ll usually know if you have more of the latter if you experience the following:

  • Stress-related weight gain
  • Acid reflux
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Bloating

How does it make you sick or gain weight? The simple answer is that undigested protein turns into toxins, which could produce drastic weight gain, mental and emotional problems, and other health problems (e.g. cancer, heart ailment, and obesity).

But if you have more good bacteria than the bad ones, your body digests food better and faster, so protein is more readily accessible to your muscles and your body’s fat burning capability is improved. You need something that will break down protein into smaller, absorbable compounds called amino acids, which are also responsible for muscle growth and repair.

To achieve excellent digestion, you need a good source of “probiotics”. Most people believe that yogurts are the solution; however the truth is that most commercially available yogurt products undergo pasteurization, which kills the probiotics.

The alternative that Wade Lightheart offers is the P3-OM supplement that contains potent protein-digesting “good” bacteria which break down protein to increase the amount of biogologically active amino acids for muscle gain and recovery. It also protects you from invading disease-causing germs (fungi, bacteria, and viruses), decreases the size of tumors, enhances mental focus and clarity, and eliminates symptoms of low good bacteria count (constipation, excess gas, diarrhea, etc.)…

Click Here To Learn More About The Way The P3-OM Formula Works!


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


It Promotes a Healthy Digestive System

Most germs, like fungi, bacteria, and viruses, are composed of proteins. That’s why ingesting digestive enzyme supplements, like P3-OM, can help with destroying these germs. The P3-OM supplement also makes sure you have enough of digestive enzymes in your system to promote proper absorption of protein from the foods and drinks you consume.

Wade Lightheart is an Authority in Fitness and Nutrition

Wade is a 3-time Natural Canadian Bodybuilding Champion. He authored several books, including the best-seller “Staying Alive in a Toxic World.” He travels to different places to speak about genuine physical, spiritual, and mental health.

When it comes to fitness and nutrition, there is no doubt that this guy knows what he is talking about.

It Helps Increase Muscle Size and Strength

Many athletes and bodybuilders are supplementing their daily diet with different digestive enzyme products to help their bodies to digest and absorb nutrients, including protein, from the foods they consume. Popular bodybuilding websites also recommend taking supplements with digestive enzymes for muscle growth and strength.

The P3-OM supplement can help you achieve exactly that.

Can Help You Treat Food Poisoning

One consumer testimonial said that she suffered from food poisoning and took five capsules of P3-OM to treat it. According to her, she felt fine within ten minutes.

In her blog article, Dr. Emily Kane, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupunturist, recommends taking digestive enzymes—like the ones contained in the P3-OM—for treating food poisoning.

Sixty Days Refund Guarantee

The P3-OM Protein Digesting Probiotics come with a sixty-day refund promise. This means that you can just take it for two months or less, and if you don’t experience any noticeable improvement, to ask Wade Lightheart and his team for a refund via email or phone…


The Main Cons


You Shoulder the Shipping Cost

The shipping is only free if you choose the third package and you live in the U.S.

While this is not a deal breaker in our book, this is something to bear in mind because it can add to your total cost.

Some Side Effects Are Possible

Although they rarely happen, some of the possible side effects of taking digestive enzyme supplements, like the P3-OM, are stomachaches, repeated bowel movements, and soft stools. If you experience any of these symptoms after taking this supplement, don’t take it anymore and consult your doctor.

It Doesn’t Replace a Good Exercise Program

P3-OM is a supplement to your diet and exercise program. You can’t expect to get significant results by merely taking this, while doing a minimal physical activity and eating whatever you want.

With that said, if you use the P3-OM properly, it could be your best weapon for beating the “bad bacteria” living in your guts…


3. Our Verdict

Overall, we believe that “P3-OM” can be very useful as a supplement to what you’re already doing. The people behind this product seem credible, and they’re either experienced bodybuilders or owners of popular health and fitness websites.

If you’re not interested in getting a ripped body, that’s okay. This product has many health benefits, such as fighting disease-causing germs, restoring or maintaining a healthy digestive system, and treating food poisoning.

It is also important to mention that so far, we haven’t encountered any complaints about this product online. Like other dietary supplements, this has side effects, but it seems they rarely happen and are usually not serious.

Of course, the P3-OM probiotics supplement has its own downsides, and it’s not a magical solution for weight loss or muscle building. You still need to exercise and eat right in order to shed the extra pounds and make those coveted muscles pop out.

It is also a bit on the pricey side, especially if you don’t opt for the 3 or 6 pack packages.

In general, if you’re looking for a quick fix, if you have any health condition or taking medicines that might react negatively with this supplement, or if you’re on a tight budget, then the P3-OM supplement might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you try to build muscle faster and easier, if you usually suffer from digestion-related ailments, or if you’re simply looking for an effective way to increase your protein absorption, then P3-OM is a great option for you.

Moreover, since Wade Lightheart offers a 60-day refund guarantee, we don’t see any reason not to give his P3-OM formula a try…

Well, that’s it for today. We hope this review helped you, and we would love to hear your feedback on this product if you already tried it!

To a healthier and fitter you 🙂

Click Here To Check The Best Deals Available For The P3-OM Supplement Now!

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