Visual Impact Frequency Training Review – Is It For You?

Filed in Reviews by on February 21, 2015 0 Comments

Visual Impact Frequency Training
Hello and welcome!

On this page we are going to review the Visual Impact Frequency Training system by Rusty Moore.

In order to make everything easier for you we will divide this page into two parts:

1. A brief section that contains basic details about the Visual Impact Frequency Training program.

2. A full review which will cover the Visual Impact Frequency Training in details and provides you with all the details which we believe you should know about Rusty Moore’s system…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Visual Impact Frequency Training

Creator: Rusty Moore

Release Date: 2014

Learning Format: Downloadable videos and a guide

Refund Policy: 100% money back guarantee for 60 days

Official Site:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

In simple words, Rusty Moore’s Visual Impact Frequency Training is a fitness program that helps you build strong muscles with the help of low-volume exercise routines. In case you never heard of him, Rusty Moore is a known fitness expert and blogger who managed to combine Eastern and Western workout styles in his unique and new program.

In short, this is what you will find in the main guide of the Visual Impact Frequency Training program:

  • The “Hebbian Rule” that enables Bulgarians be the best in weight lifting at international level.
  • A pattern for muscle recovery which will enable your muscles to recover completely within 12-24 hours.
  • A highly customizable diet plan that will help speeding up your fat loss process.
  • An extremely effective 15-minute cardio routine which will help your body to burn fat as its main fuel.
  • A method for going on with your muscle building while allowing your joints the needed time for full recovery.
  • The method used by top athletes for training specific groups of muscles without over-training effects.
  • Advice on the “Irradiation Technique” which is a special method of burning fats and recovering the joints by intentionally slow weight lifting.
  • Information and advice on preventing muscles from becoming saggy, and much more…

Together with the main module of the Visual Impact Frequency Training you are going to receive two whiteboard videos that explain in details all the most important techniques described in the program. These videos were developed in cooperation with another famous personal trainer and certified nutrition specialist, Nate Miyaki.

Generally, this is what you can expect to learn from the two videos:

Video 1: Irradiation And Time Under Tension – This is Nate’s in-depth explanation of the so-called “Irradiation” technique, widely used in martial arts.

Video 2: Explosive Training and Awakening the CNS – This video reveals the proper weight lifting speed and its impact on the muscles…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Unique Method Of Training

We must admit that haven’t seen similar information in any other training program on the market these days, and the Visual Impact Frequency Training program introduces a new training concept that will probably change the way many people working out. This is because it can enable fast and safe muscle building, and to help you get great results by using unique combination of Eastern and Western workout styles.

Author’s Authority In The Field

Rusty Moore is the author of several famous training programs and his fitness blog, called “The Fitness Black Book”, is extremely popular.

Nate Myiaki is also well-known in the industry. He has certifications as Personal Trainer (from the American Council on Exercise) and as Sports Nutrition Specialist (from the International Sports Science Association), and it is also important to note that he won two muscle building championships in his life.

Being created by two reputable authors, the Visual Impact Frequency Training system should be a trustworthy program.

Straight To The Point And Actionable

The Visual Impact Frequency Training main guide has no more than 53 pages. However, it contains everything needed for a clear understanding of its principles. Actually, you can start applying the information as soon as you finish reading.

The two videos are also very helpful in making you understand this unique method of training.


How much you would need to pay for a personal trainer? Popular sites online shows the hourly rates of personal trainers vary between $9.7 and $47 per hour. If your trainer has special certifications or expertise, you may need to pay even more than that.

On the other hand, by investing in the Visual Impact Frequency Training, you only pay a one time fee and get access to the expertise of two professionals like Rusty and Nate.

It is our personal belief that the Visual Impact Frequency Training has a very affordable price, taking into consideration its benefits, and we hope the price will stay like this also in the future, so that more people can benefit from Rusty’s methods without having to struggle from a financial point of view.

60-Day Full Refund Guarantee

Rusty Moore trusts his methods so much that he is willing to refund anyone who claims not recording the expected results within 60 days from the purchase of the program. Rusty’s promise is that he is going to give your money back without asking any questions about your reasons.

These being said, we believe that the Visual Impact Frequency Training is a risk-free program that you can safely try. If it doesn’t work, you get all your money back. If it works, you get a better body. Both ways, you win…


The Main Cons


Not Suitable For Beginners

The Visual Impact Frequency Training requires you to have some resistance training experience, so if you are an absolute newbie, this program is probably not for you

High Training Frequency

This program requires 4-6 days of training per week, and very busy people may not be able to fit this in their schedule. However, if you can find the time for the workouts, you should know that you are going to feel great after each training, as the program is designed for avoiding exhaustion and sore muscles.

Available Only In Digital Format

The Visual Impact Frequency Training main guide comes in digital format, just like the two included bonuses. Unfortunately, right now there is no DVD version or printed version that you can purchase.

If you have a shabby internet connection or you prefer reading real books, you might have some problem with this program…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 7/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9.5/10
  • User Friendliness - 8.5/10
  • Customer Support - 8.5/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9/10

Overall, Visual Impact Frequency Training by Rusty Moore is a great muscle building system that offers a very unique approach, and this program gets the average rating of 8.5/10 from us. While this program requires time and real efforts, and it is absolutely not the best choice for beginners, people that have some resistance training experience will probably find the techniques that Rusty Moore shares to be highly effective for them.

What we really like about the Visual Impact Frequency Training program is its unique combination of Western and Eastern workout styles. In addition, we really appreciated that the main guide is straight to the point and actionable with no fluff. It is also important to note that this program was created by a real expert and not just “wanna be fitness guru”, something that adds to the program’s credibility.

All in all, if you are looking for a unique muscle building program that can help you to maximize your muscle tone and gain strength naturally, then the Visual Impact Frequency Training may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the 60 days refund guarantee that Rusty Moore provides actually makes the Visual Impact Frequency Training 100% risk free – an important advantage that many muscle-building programs simply don’t offer…

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