Anna Gibson-Steel’s 60 Second Panic Solution – Full Review

Filed in Reviews by on September 24, 2015 0 Comments

The 60 Second Panic Solution


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In this page we’re going to review the 60 Second Panic Solution course by Dan Alexander and Anna Gibson-Steel.

To make everything more simple for you we will break down this page into two sections:

1. A brief section that contains basic information about the 60 Second Panic Solution system.

2. A detailed review, which will cover the 60 Second Panic Solution in details and provides you with all the important information which we believe you must know about this natural cure for panic attacks and anxiety…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: The 60 Second Panic Solution

Creator: Anna Gibson-Steel and Dan Alexander

Release Date: 2014

Learning Format: videos, guides, and audio files

Refund Policy: 100% refund policy for sixty days

Official Website:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

In simple words, “The 60 Second Panic Solution” is a unique natural treatment program for panic attacks and anxiety that is based on Anna Gibson-Steel’s method, which shows people how to use their mind-body connection to stop or prevent panic attacks within only one minute.

Dan Alexander, an ex-panic attack sufferer, explains that he worked with Anna, a famous certified holistic therapist from Ireland, in order to extend her unique solution to others who suffer from panic attacks. To make a long story short, the 60 Second Panic Solution program is the final result of their collaboration.

According to Anna Gibson-Steel, people who suffer from intense panic attacks, even without the threat of imminent danger, do so because their natural flight-or-flight response goes haywire. If left uncontrolled, Anna says it could lead to forms of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Furthermore, Anna Gibson-Steel explains that the flight-or-flight response which has gone haywire cannot be cured by medication, mind conversations or reading psychological books. Oddly enough, she says that a side effect of anti-anxiety medications is actually rebound anxiety.

Anna elaborates that anti-anxiety medications are not for long-term use and they only mask the symptoms of anxiety, and do not address the underlying cause. To properly deal with this situation, the 60 Second Panic Solution provides simple yet powerful techniques that can be learned within 20 minutes and only take you 60 seconds to implement.

Generally, the foundation of the 60 Second Panic Solution is Neuro-Activation Therapy. According to Dan Alexander and Anna Gibson-Steel, this technique is not only backed by scientific research, but it is also a major technique used by Buddhist monks, traditional Chinese healers and Indian Yogis for many centuries.

Simply put, this technique uses your brainpower, thumb and index finger. They will facilitate turning off your lizard brain, which is the culprit of panic and anxiety attacks.

It is also important to say that in addition to the 60 second technique taught in the program, Anna Gibson-Steel also developed a complete treatment plan that was designed to help you get rid of panic attacks and anxiety permanently. This three-week plan is called Thought Patrol, and inside the 60 Second Panic Solution program you will find step-by-step advice on how to take advantage of it so you can achieve long-term results.

Generally, the 60 Second Panic Solution can work for adults and children, and it is effective for people who experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and specific phobias.

Regarding the program itself, when purchasing the 60 Second Panic Solution you will get an access to the members portal where you will find the following sections:

Start Here
Section 1 – Panic Attacks
Section 2 – Anxiety
Lasting Freedom
Extra Solutions
Secrets For Living
Bonus Area

All of these sections contain several subcategories, and in each one of them you will find step-by-step explanations from Anna Gibson-Steel that come in PDF, video and audio files…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Quick Relief And A Long-Term Solution

Anna Gibson-Steel’s method can work in less than one minute to stop or prevent panic and anxiety before it overwhelms you. In addition, and probably more important for many people, by purchasing the 60 Second Panic Solution system you are also going to learn what you should do in order to overcome anxiety and panic attacks permanently, by using the Thought Patrol plan.

No Significant Side Effects

The 60 Second Panic Solution program is based on 100% natural methods and it does not include any medication or supplements, so there are no serious side effects to worry about. This also means you do not have to be concerned about any drug interactions with medications or supplements you already take for other conditions you might have.

Also, it is also worth mentioning that according to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), many countries, including the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Germany, have issued warnings about anti-anxiety medications and the potential for adverse health effects. These adverse effects include amnesia, depression, increased suicide risk, addiction, insomnia and/or agitation.

Easy To Understand And Use

Traditional principles and scientific studies were combined to form the core principle of this system – the Neuro-Activation Therapy. Anna Gibson-Steel explains that she used her intensive research from neurophysiology and cognition studies to develop a practical method that anyone can easily understand and use.

Well, we must admit that Anna did a great job when it comes to explaining her method in an easy to understand manner, and we believe that you will be able to learn her main techniques in just around 20 minutes.

Less Expensive Than Traditional Treatments

A one-week program to help treat panic disorder at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders can cost you $3,500 or more. You may find yourself paying similar amounts for therapy sessions and prescription medications each year.

On the other hand, for a one-time payment you will have a lifetime access to the 60 Second Panic Solution members’ area and all the material that is offered inside. This asking price is very reasonable, especially when you compare it to therapy and medications.

Backed By A Hassle-Free Guarantee

Anna Gibson-Steel has helped over 2,000 people rid themselves of panic attacks in her private clinic so far, and she is very confident that her 60 Second Panic Solution program will help other people who can’t make it to her clinic getting the very same results.

To show her confidence in the program, Anna Gibson Steel offers a 2-month money back guarantee and says that if you feel the program did not give you the desired results, she and Dan Alexander will send you a full refund with no questions asked.

This makes the 60 Second Panic Solution system a risk-free choice, unlike most therapists or prescription medications that won’t provide you with the option to get your money back in case you are not satisfied…


The Main Cons


It’s Not An Overnight Fix And It May Not Work The Same For Everyone

One important thing that you should understand about the 60 Second Panic Solution is that it is not a “miracle cure”. You may need several days or few weeks before you reach the full benefit of this system, and like most other treatments, the effectiveness of this natural solution can vary and may depend on the severity of your condition.

Only Available In Digital Format

All the material offered in the 60 Second Panic Solution members’ portal comes in downloadable PDF, video and audio files. Unfortunately, you cannot buy the system in the “offline world” and so far there is no physical edition you can order…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 9/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9.5/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Bonus items - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 9/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9.5/10

Overall, The 60 Second Panic Solution is a very comprehensive program that offers a unique and easy to follow solution for panic attacks and anxiety, and this system by Dan Alexander and Anna Gibson-Steel gets the average rating of 9/10 from us.

While this program cannot guarantee an “overnight fix” and it may not produce the same results for everyone, there is no doubt that by following Anna Gibson-Steel’s instructions you will be able to improve your chances to stop or prevent panic attacks and anxiety dramatically…

What we really like about the 60 Second Panic Solution is that it contains a combination of PDF, video and audio files, which makes it much easier to understand how to take advantage of Anna Gibson-Steel’s treatment plan. The members’ portal is also very organized and the instructions are clear and to the point.

In addition, the facts that this solution was designed by a certified holistic therapist with proven success record, that it is a less expensive option than traditional treatments, and that it does not involve any dangerous medications or supplements, are other great advantages that the 60 Second Panic Solution can offer to its users.

All in all, if you try to find a practical solution that use your mind-body connection in order to stop or prevent anxiety and panic attacks naturally, then the 60 Second Panic Solution by Anna Gibson-Steel and Dan Alexander may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the two month refund policy that the authors provide actually makes the 60 Second Panic Solution a risk-free choice, and gives you plenty of time to test it with full confidence…

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