Bodyweight Flow System Review – Is This Program For You?

Filed in Reviews by on March 26, 2015 0 Comments

Bodyweight Flow SystemHi there and welcome!

On this page we will review the Bodyweight Flow System by Tyler J. Bramlett.

In order to make everything easier for you we will divide this post into two parts:

1. A short section with some basic details about the Bodyweight Flow System.

2. A full review that will cover the Bodyweight Flow System in details and provides you with all the details which we believe you should know about Tyler Bramlett’s program…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Bodyweight Flow System

Author: Tyler J. Bramlett

Release Date: 2015

Learning Format: Downloadable guides and videos

Refund Policy: Full money back guarantee for two months

Official Site:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Created by Tyler J. Bramlett, a sought-after fitness trainer and body transformation specialist, the Bodyweight Flow System teaches 63 various “bodyweight flows,” which are 2- to 3-minute follow-along routines that are designed to increase your flexibility and burn off approximately 53% more calories per session.

According to Tyler, one of the major reasons why a lot of people fail to get results from the exercises they perform is because they lack the necessary flexibility and coordination. He said that this is exactly why he created the Bodyweight Flow System…

Generally, this system is divided into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, which target the lower body, upper body, and full body. Each level is composed of 21 different flows, and it was designed to start with simple and easy-to-follow sequences, and then slowly progress to more advanced sequences in the next 30 to 60 days. By performing the brief sequences in each video, you’ll be able to improve your body’s flexibility and tap into its fat-burning ability.
In short, here is what is included in the Bodyweight Flow System:

1.) The Bodyweight Flow Quick Start Guide – As the title hints, this guide was created to help you start using this system ASAP. Inside you’ll get specific instructions on how to effectively use each bodyweight routine in order to achieve results in the first session.

2.) 21 Follow-Along Upper Body Routines – This is a series of videos demonstrating 21 different routines (7 routines for each level) that are designed to loosen tight shoulders and trigger your core and upper body muscles.

3.) 21 Follow-Along Lower Body Routines – Like the previous, this also includes 21 different routines, 7 routines for each level. But this time it’s your lower body’s flexibility that’s targeted, as well as boosting your lower body muscles’ tightening potential.

4.) 21 Follow-Along Full Body Routines – These 21 follow-along routines were designed to simultaneously increase the flexibility and create immense coordination of your core, upper, and lower body muscles.

In addition to the main components, inside his Bodyweight Flow System Tyler J. Bramlett also included these 5 bonus items:

Bonus 1: The “Daily Flow Calendar” – As what you might have guessed, this is a schedule of the “flow” you’re going to use for each day.

Bonus 2: The “Exercise Pairing Guide” – This guide will tell you the exact routines you should be doing based on the type of exercise you plan to do, whether weight lifting, running, kettlebell, and so on.

Bonus 3: 14-10 Minute Routines – This guide reveals 3 bodyweight flows that work together to make a full 10-minute workout.

Bonus 4: 14-20 Minute Routines – This guide contains 6 compatible bodyweight flows that make a full 20-minute workout.

Bonus 5: 14-30 Minute Routines – Inside this guide you’ll learn 9 compatible bodyweight flows that make a full 30-minute workout…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


One Sequence, 2-3 Minutes A Day

You really don’t have to exceed the minimum one sequence per day to get great results from the Bodyweight Flow System. If you stick to Tyler’s instructions, it won’t be surprising if you’ll see improvements in a week and significant improvements in just a month.

If you have 2 to 3 minutes a day to spare for working out – which we’re sure you have – then you’ll probably love the Bodyweight Flow System.

Compatible With Other Workout Programs

If you already have a favorite workout program, no problem. The bodyweight routines in the Bodyweight Flow System were especially created to be add-ons to your current training. You can insert them at the beginning, middle, or end part of your workout.

Simple To Understand

We’re pretty sure you won’t have a hard time executing each routine since they’re shown through simple follow-along demo videos. All you really have to do is pay attention and do them… The program was designed to start with the easiest to the most complex routines, so complete beginners could easily follow it without injuring themselves.

You also have the “Daily Flow Calendar” that will make things easier for you.

Relatively Affordable

How much did you spend for your gym membership? As far as we know, the average cost of gym membership is between $17 and $70, more or less. And if you’re going to be honest, you really don’t use it that much.

The Bodyweight Flow System costs slightly less than $20. It’s not dirt cheap, but it does save money and time. You also don’t have to spend big on special equipment or dietary supplements when following the program. What’s more, if you’re not happy with it at all, you can…

Get a Full Refund, No Questions Asked

You have sixty days to try out this system. If within that time span this proves to be a big disappointment, you can always email Tyler Bramlett or his assistant to let him know you want all of your money back.

From our research online it seems that most users say this program works as advertised, however, it is always great to know that you have such a guarantee in your pocket…


The Main Cons


Slight Skepticism

Tyler Bramlett’s claims do have that “too good to be true” vibe in them. Thus, you may feel skeptical and nervous, and that’s OK. We personally think that it is always a good idea to keep your level of expectations realistic and to understand that although it takes only 2-3 minutes a day to follow one sequence, dedication and commitment are very important in order to get real results from the program.

A Completely Downloadable System

The Bodyweight Flow System is readily downloadable to your favorite smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. You can also stream the videos online anywhere you go. While that seems a convenient feature for many, there may be some people who can’t take advantage of this because of poor Internet connection. In addition, people who prefer watching a DVD, or holding a real book in their hands, will also be a bit disappointed with this format…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 8/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Bonus items - 8.5/10
  • Customer Support - 8/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9.5/10

Overall, The Bodyweight Flow System by Tyler Bramlett is a very practical solution that many people can benefit from, and this system gets an average rating of 8.7/10 from us. While this program don’t offer instant results, the different bodyweight flows that Tyler Bramlett offers inside are very effective and really target all your body parts.

The thing we really liked about the Bodyweight Flow System is that each sequence requires only 2-3 minutes from your time a day. In addition, the facts that this system is compatible with other workout programs, that everything Tyler Bramlett explains inside is simple to understand, and that the price is relatively affordable are all great advantages that the Bodyweight Flow System offers.

All in all, if you are looking for effective and easy-to-follow bodyweight flow sequences that can help you become more flexible and burn off more calories per session, then the Bodyweight Flow System may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the 8 weeks refund policy that Tyler J. Bramlett provides actually makes the Bodyweight Flow System a risk-free choice, and this is always a great advantage to keep in mind…

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