Brian Flatt’s 1 Week Diet System – Our Full Review

Filed in Reviews by on December 21, 2018 0 Comments


1 Week Diet by Brian FlattWhat Exactly Is The 1 Week Diet?

Created by Brian Flatt, a personal trainer and fitness expert, the 1 Week Diet will show you quick and easy ways to lose excess body fat, especially around the belly, by using certain herbs, minerals, and foods that can increase your metabolism. Brain promises that his system will help you lose as much as 7 pounds or more every week.

The Man Behind The 1 Week Diet System

According to Brian Flatt, he worked with his grandfather, Graham Flatt, to make this weight loss system. You see, Graham is a U.S. World War II veteran.

After his plane was downed, he found himself in the jungles of Okinawa, Japan. Good thing Tatsu and Miko Arashiro found him and nurse him back to health. While he was recovering, he couldn’t help but notice their robust health. Apparently, Okinawa is one of the 7 Blue Zones. People living in a Blue Zone region have a life expectancy that’s past 100.

To make a long story short, Graham asked them the secret behind their robust physical and mental health. He shared this to Brian, who created the 1 Week Diet system to help people struggling with their weight and the health issues that come with it.

What Are You Going To Learn?

Here are some of the things you’ll discover inside this weight-loss system:

A comprehensive list of the most effective herbs and minerals that you need to add to your diet to dissolve excess body fat.

A thorough explanation on how this system works.

A list of foods, including vegetables, which are marketed as healthy but are actually hurting your health and causing you to store more fat.

The exact system that Graham and the Arashiros used to change their eating cycle and boost their metabolism.

A progress workbook for tracking your weight loss progress, so you can make the necessary adjustments.

A motivational handbook will give you the extra boost of inspiration to reach your weight loss goals.

A meal plan that explains the food, herbs, and minerals you should eat, as well as their serving size.

A handbook containing 100 green smoothie recipes, which will trim a few inches from your waist.

A video that shows you 3-minute tummy-flattening workouts, and a lot more…

Click Here For More Details About The Main Components Of The 1 Week Diet System!


The Pros and Cons Of The 1 Week Diet


The Pros


You Don’t Need to Starve Yourself

You don’t have to count calories or completely eliminate carbs or fats from your diet. The 1 Week Diet system will teach you what to eat and how much to eat. Plus, by adding fat-burning herbs and minerals to your daily diet, you can lose weight effortlessly and fast.

No Extreme, Time-Consuming Workouts

Exercising offers a lot of health benefits, so we don’t think you can do without it. But, let’s face it, most of us don’t have the time or the willpower to exercise for more than 30 minutes or more a day. Fortunately, you only need a few minutes a day to perform Brian Flatt’s tummy-flattening exercises.

You Get Great Bonuses

These bonuses are:

• The 100 Great-Tasting Green Smoothie Recipes Handbook
• The Fastest Weight-Loss Week Action Plan Handbook
• The Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Handbook
• The 3 Minute Tummy Toner by Brian Flatt

Responsive Customer Support Team

We contacted their customer support team to see if they’ll immediately reply and are going to be helpful. It’s good to know that they replied to our email within 24 hours. You can read our email and their reply here.

Limited Time $20 Discount Offer is Currently Available

This discount offer brings the retail price of the 1 Week Diet to less than $20. We personally think this is a good offer if you consider the benefits it brings and the bonuses included in the package.

You Can Request for a Full Refund

Brian Flatt gives you 60 days to try his system. If you don’t lose even a few inches off your waist or belly despite your best efforts, you can simply ask for your money back.


The Cons


There’s No Guarantee You’ll Lose 7 Pounds Weekly

Many factors could prevent you from losing weight or keep it off permanently. Some of these are genetics, health problems, certain meds, food addiction, gender, and age.

It’s Not Easy to Lose Weight

Losing weight requires a lot of dedication, effort, and willpower. It’s no wonder many people give up before they could see significant results. There are many things you could do to make sure you stick to the 1 Week Diet. For instance, get an accountability buddy. You can also use Brian Flatt’s motivational guide to keep you inspired throughout your journey.

It’s Not a Physical Book

Electronic books, or eBooks, are convenient, but they have their downsides. If you love physical books, or if you have a poor internet connection, you might find this an inconvenience.


The Bottom Line

The 1 Week Diet by Brian Flatt is an interesting program that doesn’t involve risky weight loss pills, crash dieting, and extreme workouts. Although it’s quite hard for us to verify Brian’s claim that this has already helped 90,000 plus people, we do believe that many men and women can benefit from it.

Overall, if you don’t have a medical condition that requires a special type of diet, and you’re looking for an easy-to-follow and affordable weight loss system, the 1 Week Diet can be a great option for you.

Moreover, considering that Brian Flatt is offering a 60-day money back guarantee, we don’t see any reason why you should not give his program a try for seven days…

Well, that’s it for this review. We hope this was helpful.

To your fitter and healthier body 😊

Click Here To Get Instant Access To The 1 Week Diet Program Now!

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