Diet Programs

The Flexitarian Diet – Definition And Its Basics

Filed in Diet Programs by on February 12, 2015 0 Comments
The Flexitarian Diet – Definition And Its Basics

The flexitarian diet makes a big promise to those who dare to try it: healthy and easy weight loss if you are ready to give up meat almost completely. The author of this diet, Dawn Jackson Blatner, started from the insight that eating a diet based mainly on plants makes it easier to cut down […]

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What Is The Weight Watchers Diet?

Filed in Diet Programs by on February 6, 2015 0 Comments
What Is The Weight Watchers Diet?

The Weight watchers program offers you the freedom to eat what you want but you have to count the points. The program assigns each type of food a point(s), and mostly the foods that fill you up well have more points than the foods that just have nothing but just empty calories. This program does […]

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The Healthiest Foods Of The Mediterranean Diet

Filed in Diet Programs by on January 31, 2015 0 Comments
The Healthiest Foods Of The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is not any specific diet plan, but more a way of eating. This is an eating plan that you can adopt for the rest of your life. It is based on the daily diet of people who live in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, especially Southern Italy and Crete. These individuals […]

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What Is The Mayo Clinic Diet?

Filed in Diet Programs by on January 27, 2015 0 Comments
What Is The Mayo Clinic Diet?

The health experts at the Mayo Clinic developed The Mayo Clinic Diet which is a popular lifestyle and weight loss program. It is an approach meant to last a lifetime that helps you maintain a healthy BMI and improve your overall health. The diet uses something called a Healthy Weight Pyramid. This pyramid serves as […]

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What Is The TLC Diet And Is It For You?

Filed in Diet Programs by on January 24, 2015 0 Comments
What Is The TLC Diet And Is It For You?

TLC diet stands for Therapeutical Lifestyle Changes. This is a diet plan that was developed by the National Institute of Health to help in lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol. This diet plan has received endorsements by different associations. The TLC diet tries to reduce the risk of heart diseases and also encourages the adoption […]

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What Is The DASH Diet?

Filed in Diet Programs by on January 20, 2015 0 Comments
What Is The DASH Diet?

DASH is the short form for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet is an approach that is carried out over a long period to help in treating and preventing hypertension. The DASH diet plan encourages intake of foods that are rich in nutrients that will help fight blood pressure. This includes magnesium, potassium […]

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