The Causes And Treatment Options Of Eye Floaters
Eye Floaters are simply those moving spots that tend to come in the field of vision. To you, they might look like grey or black specks that are especially apparent when you look at anything bright like the blue sky or a white paper. They tend to drift off when you move your eyes about and they disappear momentarily when you try to directly look at them. They can be annoying to some people, but they do not interfere with your sight.
Eye floaters are usually caused by age-related changes that appear as jelly-like substance inside the eyes and become more and more liquid. The microscopic fibers that are found within the jelly-like substance well known as vitreous clump and are responsible for the tiny shadows in the retina which appear as floaters.
If at any time you notice an immediate increment of the floaters, it is imperative to contact a doctor especially if you begin to lose peripheral vision or start seeing light flashes. All these can be signs of an emergency that calls for immediate attention.
Eye Floaters Symptoms
Some of the eye floaters symptoms are:
1. Spots that move when the patient moves his or her eyes. When one tries looking at them, they disappear from the field of vision almost immediately.
2. Spots in the victim’s vision that look like knobby strings of floating substance or dark specks.
3. Spots that ultimately settle down and then drift out of the line of vision.
4. Spots that are noticeable when you look at a white wall, plain white background or the sky when clear.
That being said, it is important that a patient sees a doctor when:
1. There is a sudden onset of the floaters
2. There is more floaters than usual
3. Darkness on the sides of the victim’s vision. This is also referred to as the loss of peripheral vision.
4. Flashes of light.
Causes of Eye Floaters Explained
Inflammation In The Back Of The Eye
The inflammation in the layers on the uvea which are found in the back of the eyes is known as Posterior uveitis. This is a condition that causes eye floaters and it is usually caused by inflammatory diseases or infections.
Age Related Changes In The Eye
This is one of the major causes of eye floaters. The jelly-like liquid or as earlier mentioned, vitreous, which helps the eye maintain the round shape, can over time liquefy. This liquefaction leads to the substance pulling away from the interior of the eyeball’s surface. As it shrinks, it clumps and tends to become stringy. Some of the debris bits block some of the light that passes through the eye, thus casting little shadows on the retina.
A Torn Retina
When a sagging vitreous tags on the retina, it might cast enough force to tear it. If not treated, the tear may lead to detachment of the retina. Keep in mind that failure to treat such a condition might lead to a permanent loss in vision.
Eye Bleeding
eye bleeding is another cause of eye floaters.
If you have concerns about eye floaters, it is wise to make an appointed to a doctor who specializes in eye problems. If the complications you will to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. However, most eye floaters do not need treatment. Yes, they can be annoying and adjusting might take time, but you can be able to eventually ignore them and notice them less often.
If the eye floaters start to impair your vision, which is quite rare, then consulting a doctor for treatment is a wise consideration. Treatment options include:
Surgical Treatment
In this case, the ophthalmologist will remove the vitreous by performing a small incision and replacing it with a specialized liquid that will help the eye maintain it’s shape.
Laser Treatment
In this type of treatment, the ophthalmologist will aim a special laser to the vitreous which breaks the floaters, making them less noticeable. Most of the people who have undertaken this treatment say they experienced an improvement in vision, while some reported little or no difference in vision.
These are the causes and ways in which you can treat eye floaters if they start to impair your vision. For more useful info about causes and types of treatments for eye floaters you can also check the video below… We hope that it helps 🙂