Diabetes 60 System Review – Does Dr. Shelton’s Cure Work?

Filed in Reviews by on October 16, 2015 0 Comments

Ryan Shelton Diabetes 60 System


Hi there and welcome!

On this page we’re going to review the Diabetes 60 System by Dr. Ryan Shelton.

To make everything more convenient for you, we will break down this post into two parts:

1. A short section with some basic information about the Diabetes 60 System.

2. An in-depth review, that will cover the Diabetes 60 System in detail and present you with all the information that we believe you must know about Dr. Ryan Shelton’s diabetes solution…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: The Diabetes 60 System

Creator: Dr. Ryan Shelton

Release Date: 2015

Learning Format: guides, videos and software tool

Refund Policy: Complete refund policy for two months

Official Website: http://www.diabetes60system.com


Full Review

1. The Key Details

In simple words, the “Diabetes 60 System” is a physician-approved and unique diabetes treatment program that describes a 100% natural and safe way of treating pre-diabetes and type II diabetes, from just 60 seconds a day.

A Brief Background

Dr. Ryan Shelton, the creator of the Diabetes 60 System and a medical doctor with over 12 years of experience, claims that type II diabetes is totally reversible. He explains that by following his all-natural system, type II diabetics and pre-diabetics can significantly improve their condition, no matter how severe their condition is or how much they weigh.

Through working with his medical research team, Dr. Shelton details how he was able to discover that there is a simple and short kind of exercises that can help diabetics. He says that these exercises are based on what is referred to as “high-intensity interval training”, aka “HIIT”.

Dr. Ryan Shelton and his research team used their discoveries about HIIT and its connection to diabetes in order to create the Diabetes 60 System, which they promise can help type 2 diabetics improve their general health, promote weight loss, lowers their blood pressure levels, improves the insulin sensitivity, and lower their blood sugar levels…

So, what you can expect to get when purchasing the Diabetes 60 System? Well, in short, the following are the main items that Dr. Ryan Shelton offers inside his system:

The Main Guide And Protocol

The main guide of the Diabetes 60 System will teach you all of the system’s important details, including its diabetes-busting movements, along with a scientific explanation on why and how they are effective. You will also be provided with instant access to the 8-week protocol developed by Dr. Shelton that details exactly what you need to do via systematic weekly charts on a daily basis.

Video Collection

A qualified instructor is featured in the video collection who will demonstrate how each 60-second movement should be performed so that you do not harm or injure yourself. You can go through all of the exercises at whatever pace is convenient for you.

Two Free Bonus Items

The Recipe Collection – Over 500 delicious and nutrient-packed recipes are included in this collection. Only all-natural ingredients are used in the recipes, and Dr. Ryan Shelton explains that these ingredients can help to lower your blood sugar levels significantly.

Health Tracker Software – This makes it possible for you to track your progress as you continue to perform the 60-second anti-diabetes movements. The downloadable software is easy to use, and all you need to do is input your weight, blood sugar reading, blood pressure reading and some other measurements. Once you are done, the software will analyze and store your data. A chart is then created that will provide you with a detailed overview of the progress you have made…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Backed Up By Science

When Dr. Ryan Shelton said that his system is backed up by science, it seems that he was telling the truth. For example, there are numerous clinical studies that have proven that high-intensity interval training is an effective and safe method for type II diabetics to use.

For example, one famous study that we have found in the “Journal of Applied Physiology” had eight type II diabetics performing six sessions worth of high-intensity interval training at low volume over a two week period. The results showed that the subjects’ blood sugar concentration had been reduced in just 24 hours.

This is just one example of a study that supports the claims Dr. Ryan Shelton has made regarding HIIT. However, if you will do your research online you will find that there are many other clinical studies that support his claims as well.

Ideal For Busy Individuals

The most important advantage that the form of exercise detailed in the Diabetes 60 System provides is that it can basically fit into any schedule. You can complete one session in as little as 10 minutes per day, so we’re certain that you can find enough time for the exercises, even if you happen to be a very busy person.

Easy To Understand

From beginning to end, the Diabetes 60 System is very easy to understand. Simple language was used by Dr. Shelton in his system, and that way individuals with different educational backgrounds can all follow his instructions easily. We liked the videos in particular, which helps to make the learning process easier and more fun.

Suitable For All Kinds Of People

Generally speaking, Dr. Ryan Shelton’s Diabetes 60 System isn’t just for individuals with type II diabetes. Pre-diabetics and even fairly healthy individuals can benefit from using this system in order to maintain their blood sugar levels at normal levels.

60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t find the Diabetes 60 System helpful within 60 days, Dr. Ryan Shelton promises he will give you all of your money back.

The good news is that based on the research we have done, you aren’t going to need two months before knowing whether or not the system actually works for you. You could take it for a one-month test drive, and if you don’t see any improvement at all during this time, just contact the Diabetes 60 System support team and request a refund…


The Main Cons


Doctor Supervision Is Still Recommended

The Diabetes 60 System shouldn’t be viewed as something that can completely replace medical intervention and advice. We personally believe that this system should be treated as an add-on to be used in conjunction with the diabetes management plan that you are currently following.

HIIT Isn’t New

Although Dr. Ryan Shelton and his research team did discover important connections between type 2 diabetes and HIIT, they didn’t exactly reinvent the wheel. This means that some of the information contained within the Diabetes 60 System is readily available online, and if you will do your research on the web you will probably find useful information about HIIT and diabetes in different forums and sites.

Digital Format Only

Dr. Ryan Shelton’s Diabetes 60 system is a completely downloadable product and right now there is no option to purchase a physical version that will be shipped to your home.

That means that if you don’t like digital products, this might not be the best choice for you…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 9/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Bonus items - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8.5/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9/10

Overall, we believe that the “Diabetes 60 System” can be a very useful product when it comes to reversing Type II and pre-diabetes completely naturally, and this treatment program by Dr. Ryan Shelton gets the average rating of 8.8/10 from us.

While it is true that HIIT isn’t exactly a new concept when it comes to reversing diabetes, and there is some free information about this topic online, we must admit that we didn’t find a step-by-step program that demonstrates all the movements and provide clear directions, as those you will find inside the Diabetes 60 System…

What we really like about the Diabetes 60 System is that it provides an ideal solution for busy individuals, and we truly believe that it can fit into any schedule. In addition, the facts that unlike many other diabetes treatment guides online the Diabetes 60 System is backed up by science and was designed by a real doctor are very important advantages that make us feel more confident about this system’s effectiveness and safety.

All in all, if you are looking for an all natural solution for Type II and pre-diabetes that is practical and easy to follow, then the Diabetes 60 System may be a great choice for you.

From our research online it seems that so far there are no real complaints about this system, and it seems that most users who have followed Dr. Ryan Shelton’s directions for several weeks reported on positive results and real improvement in their condition. While we must admit that these results are based only on several testimonials that we have found so far (since this system was released to the public only a few months ago), this is still a good sign for us.

This way or that way, we personally believe that with the two months money back guarantee that Dr. Ryan Shelton provides, there is really no risk taking his Diabetes 60 System for a “test-drive”…

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