The Best Diet To Get Rid Of Acne – Our Personal Tips

Filed in Diseases And Conditions by on July 30, 2015 0 Comments

Best Diet To Get Rid Of Acne
If you are suffering from acne, a skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, there is the possibility that you can prevent it from appearing on your skin. What most people do not know is that acne is actually a condition that starts from within.

Most people that have acne actually believe that it can be prevented by using certain products that are very popular, sold on national television every day. However, the only way that you will ever be able to be completely rid of this condition is to change your diet.

Here is the best diet to get rid of acne that you can use starting today to finally be free of blemishes, even cystic acne, by following these three simple steps.

What You Should Know About Acne

The first thing that you should know about acne is that there is no actual cure. There are simply ways that you can prevent it from showing up on your skin. It is not a disease, and therefore you can only treat the symptoms of this condition, of which there are topical treatments and also those that you can ingest. The symptoms that you will see include redness in the face, pimples, and blemishes that can lead to cystic acne.

In order to keep this under control, you must augment your diet in such a way that it will prevent these symptoms of acne from occurring. Keep in mind that all people are different in regard to their metabolism, and whether or not they have a predisposition to developing acne. If you are a teenager going through puberty, there is not much you can do to prevent the hormonal imbalance in your body during this time, but you can cause your acne to diminish, or even go away, by using this three-part diet to get rid of acne.

Eating More Fiber

One of the most important things that you can do is to eat more fiber in your diet every day. If you are able to do this, you can improve the way that your body processes the food that you are digesting, helping prevent acne. One of the reasons that this may help you prevent acne from occurring is that fiber helps keep your colon clean. This means that bacteria that is built up in this area of the body will not be reabsorbed into the bloodstream which is thought to increase the appearance of acne. Fiber can be found in many different grains such as wheat or barley. You can also get fiber from certain nuts like almonds that have been shown to decrease the amount of acne that people have by eating a couple handfuls every day.

Drinking More Water

Studies have shown that your liver and kidneys lay a large role in preventing acne from occurring. When both of these cleansing organs are unable to do their job because they are clogged up with fatty deposits, it can compromise their ability to keep your blood clean. By drinking more water, this can help your kidneys become more efficient at removing toxins from your body. If you are dehydrated, or if you are simply not drinking enough water to improve the process of removing toxins via the kidneys, you will end up with acne breakouts. It is recommended that you drink a minimum of 8 12 ounce glasses of water a day to improve your chances of not developing acne.

Adding More Fruit To Your Diet

Another thing that you can do to improve your chances of avoiding acne breakouts is to eat more fruit on a regular basis. Specifically, you need to eat fruit that has a lot of fiber, something that can cleanse your system. Your colon and liver can both benefit from eating fruit like pears and apples because they have an excessive amount of fiber. By making sure to eat a minimum of three pears or apples a day, you can increase your chances of keeping your system functioning at an optimal level, helping to prevent bacteria from causing acne to occur.

By increasing the amount of water that you drink, eating more fruit, and adding a significant amount of fiber to your diet, you will be helping your body become more efficient at eliminating the toxins that can cause acne from within.

Although you could go to your dermatologist and get a prescription for doxycycline to medically treat your acne, or topical creams that can prevent your pores from getting clogged, by treating this initially from the inside you will have long-term results that will help you sustain a clear complexion without compromising your skin with pharmaceutical chemicals or over-the-counter face washes. By using this diet to get rid of acne you will be on your way to clear skin once and for all.

For few more diet tips that can also help you get rid of acne naturally please check the video below by Melanie Murphy.

We hope you enjoyed reading this post… All the best!

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