GRS Ultra Review – Is This Dietary Supplement For You?

Filed in Reviews by on October 21, 2017 0 Comments

GRS Ultra


Hello and welcome!

On this page, we are going to review the GRS Ultra supplement.

We will break down this post into two parts:

Part 1: General details about GRS Ultra.

Part 2: A complete review that explains what GRS Ultra is all about, how it works, and which pros and cons it has…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: GRS Ultra

Supplier: GAIA Nutritionals Pte Ltd

Release Date: 2017

Kind Of Product: Dietary supplement

Refund Policy: Money-back guarantee for 365 days

Official Site:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Created by GAIA Nutritionals Pte Ltd, a dietary supplements supplier, and published by George Bridgeham, “GRS Ultra” is a dietary supplement infused with clinically-proven glutathione-boosting ingredients, which will help you improve your overall health and avoid most of the major diseases that we face today.

On the GRS Ultra official website, they say that numerous news media outlets, such as NBC News and TIME, hailed Iceland as “the healthiest country in the world.” It’s the top nation for life expectancy and has the lowest healthcare prices in the world.

The secret to their excellent health is supposedly their volcanoes’ volcanic ashes, which made their soil extremely rich in nutrients and minerals, specifically brimstone and selenium. When scientists studied these two minerals, they discovered that they could increase the amount of glutathione, which is a potent antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage.

With these pieces of evidence, GAIA Nutritionals Pte Ltd created a more powerful antioxidant supplement and called its GRS Ultra. This dietary supplement consists of three main ingredients. These are:

1. SelenoExcell® – This is the most powerful form of selenium that has gone through a decade of double-blind study by the National Care Institute.

2. N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) – This medication increases the amount of glutathione in your body by supplying it with an amino acid called cysteine. The more cysteine you have in your body, the more glutathione your body produces.

3. Red Orange Complex (ROC®) – They claim that this powder extract can boost your body’s glutathione levels by up a whopping 68%. ROC® comes from the three Mediterranean orange varieties, specifically Moro, Tarocco, and Sanguinello.

Purchase options and bonus items

The GRS Ultra dietary supplement is available in three purchase options: 1 Bottle, 3 Bottles, and 6 Bottles. Your purchase also includes the following three reports at no extra cost:

1. The “Toxin-Free” Report – In this report, you’ll discover various environmental and household toxins. Plus, it will teach you how to avoid and rid your body of these disease-causing agents.

2. “The Anti-Inflammation Diet” Report – This report will teach you what you should and shouldn’t eat to calm your whole body.

3. The “Longevity Secrets from the Healthiest 100-Year-Olds” Report – As you might have guessed, this report contains longevity ideas from people who were able to reach 100 years of age. It consists of different chapters (diet, healing, environment, exercise, and relationships), so you can focus on the areas of your life that you need to address.

Click Here To Learn More About The Main Ingredients Of GRS Ultra, And About The Bonus Reports That Come With Each Purchase!


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


You May See Various Health Benefits

Just to be clear, your body produces glutathione. However, toxins from stress, pollution, medications, poor diet, or even makeup can deplete your glutathione. Although nothing is guaranteed and results may vary, GRS Ultra may help in some cases neutralize the harmful effects of excess free radicals to maintain your health.

They Have Responsive Customer Representatives

We sent the GRS Ultra support team an email and asked them several questions just to see if they’ll respond fast. One of their customer representatives, Robin, responded to our email within 24 hours. You can look at the screenshots of his or her reply by clicking here.

Great Bonuses Are Available

The design and format of the bonus reports look professional. The author, George Bridgeham, used simple language and organized each topic properly, so it’s easier for you to follow and grasp the ideas in these eBooks. They’re not necessary, but it’s always great whenever authors or sellers throw in a few freebies.

365 Days Money-Back Guarantee

You have an entire year to take the GRS Ultra on a test drive, although we don’t think you need that much time to determine if it’s effective or not. You can also contact their customer support department before purchase if you have any questions about their refund issuance.


The Main Cons


It May Cause a Few Side Effects

Natural doesn’t mean it’s completely safe. As with any medication or supplement, the ingredients of GRS Ultra might have a few side effects.

According to, taking more than 400 mcg of selenium could cause selenium toxicity. One capsule of GRS Ultra contains 200 mcg of selenium. On their label, they recommended taking two capsules per dose.

It’s Not Medicine

GRS Ultra is a dietary supplement. Don’t use it as a medicine for minor or severe health issues. Of course, please don’t stop taking your medicines without your doctor’s approval.

It’s Relatively Expensive

Most glutathione dietary supplements cost between $25 and $35 per bottle. A bottle of GRS Ultra, which contains 30 capsules, costs more than $40. It’s not cheap, but it’s also not the most expensive.


3. Our Verdict

There are many brands of glutathione supplements out there. It’s not surprising if you’re confused on what brand to buy. We suggest you ask your friends, family members, classmates, or colleagues for recommendations. Or, choose three brands then do further research to see which one is the best.

With that said, we must admit that GRS Ultra is a great option to consider. It seems to work as promised for most people who tried it, and we didn’t find complaint reports about it online. The customer support is good, too.

Of course, GRS Ultra has its downsides and limitations, and this is not a medicine. If you have an existing medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this supplement. Please also remember that although it uses natural ingredients, it may still cause a few side effects (as any other dietary supplement).

Overall, if you’re going to use this as a replacement to medicines or your doctor’s advice, if you have a severe health issue, or if you’re looking for drastic and instant results, then the GRS Ultra supplement might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you want to improve your health and guard yourself against free radical-induced diseases, or if you simply want a dietary supplement that contains quality ingredients, then GRS Ultra might be an excellent option for you.

As always, the best way to know if it works for you or not is to try it yourself. The good thing is the company backs it up with a 365-day refund guarantee, so the risk here is very minimal…

Well, that’s it for this review of the GRS Ultra. We hope you find this useful.

If you’re already using this supplement, we’d love to hear from you. Please let us know how it’s working for you so far by leaving a comment below.

To your good health and happiness 🙂

Click Here to Check the Latest Special Offers for GRS Ultra Now!

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