Instant Muscle Hack System Review – Is It Right For You?

Filed in Reviews by on May 16, 2015 0 Comments

Instant Muscle Hack System
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In this post we are going to review the Instant Muscle Hack System by James Roy.

To make everything more simple for you we will break down this page into two parts:

1. A brief section that contains basic details about the Instant Muscle Hack System.

2. An in-depth review which will cover the Instant Muscle Hack System in details and present you with all the information that we think you need to understand about James Roy’s muscle-building program…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Instant Muscle Hack System

Author: James Roy

Release Date: 2015

Learning Format: Downloadable guides

Refund Policy: Complete money back guarantee for 2 months

Official Website:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Created by James Roy, a biologist and researcher, “Instant Muscle Hack” is a 3-step system that aims to teach people how to drastically gain around ten pounds of pure muscles in just thirty days – without lifting weights or going to the gym.

James claims that you don’t really have to actively lift weights in order to get a ripped body. He says that you don’t really develop muscles while lifting weights, and instead, your body goes into the muscle building mode during the recovery phase. It’s all because of the swelling and enhanced blood circulation that leads to the development of tougher muscle fibers.

But here’s the thing: You need to create the perfect condition in order to cause this reaction in your muscles. James Roy explains that this is exactly where the Instant Muscle Hack System comes in, and says that inside his system you will find the right foods and supplements you need to consume in order to achieve your muscle growth goals.

Basically, the Instant Muscle Hack System contains a special nutrition plan that’s based on your weight, age, height, and body metabolism. The three steps we were talking about earlier are the following:

First Step: This contains a list of foods that naturally trigger the body production of nitric oxide.

Second Step: Other types of muscle-building foods are going to be added, such as those rich in protein and creatine.

Third Step: In this final step you’ll learn the specific ways to combine these foods in order to produce the intended effects.

To give you a better idea, here are some of the main things you’ll find in the Instant Muscle Hack System:

• A comprehensive list that includes over thirty nitric oxide-rich foods and forty foods that are enriched with muscle-swelling compounds.

• Step-by-step instructions on how to add and combine these muscle-swelling and nitric oxide-rich foods, including the specific serving portions.

• Useful advice on how you can customize the nutrition plan based on your unique muscle gain goals.

• After triggering muscle swelling, you’ll learn fifteen kinds of foods that will help speed up the rate at which your body adds new muscle fibers.

• A few workouts that are designed to help your body stay lean and toned.

• Tips on how to permanently melt those stubborn fats in a matter of days.

• A bonus item that contains a list of 20 dietary supplements that you can include in your diet to maximize your results, and much more…

Just to recap, when you purchase the Instant Muscle Hack System you’ll receive a list of specific foods, step-by-step food combination information, a list of cheat foods, and few bonus reports…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


A No-Brainer System

James Roy’s system is really simple to understand and implement, and the science behind the Instant Muscle Hack is well explained. You’re also provided with the exact instructions on how to maximize the benefits of these foods for muscle growth, and everything is very clear and to the point.

Can Be Customized

James Roy knows that people have different muscle growth goals and fitness levels, and that’s why he created this system in a way that allows people to tailor-fit it to their unique needs. You’ll be shown exactly what you need to do, including the serving size and right combinations of the recommended foods, in order to develop a leaner body and stronger muscles.

No Need To Make Continuous Sacrifices

This is one of the great things about the Instant Muscle Hack System. You’re less tempted to ditch the program because there are no harsh diet restrictions. You don’t have to totally deprive yourself of desserts, beers, or your other favorite foods. You’ll also have more spare time because you don’t have to spend hours at the gym or lifting weights to buff up.

Safe To Use By Everyone

Whether you’re starting out or have been bodybuilding for years, regardless of age or gender, the Instant Muscle Hack System can fit your needs. It will simply help you lose weight and build solid muscles fast without overdoing things.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

If after few weeks of using the Instant Muscle Hack system you don’t feel or see any results, you can ask James Roy for a full refund. This refund guarantee is for 60 days, which gives you plenty of time to test the program without any risk…


The Main Cons


Requires A Few Changes In Your Life

Don’t think of the Instant Muscle Hack program as a “magic pill” solution. It’s not. You still have to make a conscious effort to make the necessary changes in your routine and habits, and you need to invest time and commit to follow this system for at least a month in order to get its intended results.

Available Online In Digital Format Only

If you don’t like reading eBooks you may have to print out a hard copy of the Instant Muscle Hack System because it doesn’t have a paperback version. While this is not a deal breaker, it may still be seen as a con for some people.

Not Cheap

The Instant Muscle Hack System is not dirt cheap, and it cost a bit more compared to some other muscle-building guides online. But think of this for a minute: How much have you spent on useless workout systems, gym membership fees, nutrition plans, and supplements these past years?

If you’re serious about losing weight and building muscles, you need to be comfortable with the idea that you need to put in the necessary investment. For the Instant Muscle Hack System, it may be a bit on the pricey side, but it’s only a one-time payment and it is covered by a sound refund policy…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 8.5/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Bonus items - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8.5/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9/10

Overall, the Instant Muscle Hack System by James Roy can be a great muscle-building solution for many people, and this system gets an average rating of 8.8/10 from us.

While this system does require some changes in your life, the fact that it is not based on weight lifting and lots of hours in the gym, but instead on the concept of “eating for muscle” is something that can allow many people, especially those with busy schedules, to build muscle without having to exercise a lot…

What we really like about the Instant Muscle Hack System is that James Roy really provides everything you need to know, including the serving size and optimal combinations of the recommended foods, in order maximize the benefits of his program for your muscle growth. In addition, the fact that you can tailor-fit the system in order to fit your unique needs, and that there are no harsh diet restrictions to follow, are other great advantages that make the Instant Muscle Hack System a great choice for most people.

All in all, if you are looking for a safe program that can help you gain muscles and get a ripped body without spending lots of time lifting weights, then the Instant Muscle Hack System may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the two months refund guarantee that James Roy provides actually makes the Instant Muscle Hack System a risk-free choice, and gives you enough time to test everything without risking your money…

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