Visual Impact For Women Review – Is This System For You?

Filed in Reviews by on February 3, 2015 0 Comments

visual impact for women
Hi there and welcome!

On this post we’re going to review the Visual Impact For Women program by Rusty Moore.

To make everything more simple for you we will break down this post into two sections:

1. A brief section with some basic information regarding the Visual Impact For Women system.

2. A full review which will cover the Visual Impact For Women program in details and present you with all the important information that we believe you need to understand about Rusty Moore’s system…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Visual Impact For Women

Author: Rusty Moore

Release Date: 2013

Learning Format: Downloadable guides

Refund Policy: Full money back guarantee for 60 days

Official Website:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Is there a proven way for women that want to build muscle to avoid the “big and bulky look” and instead to get the slim, feminine “Hollywood look”? Famous fitness expert and owner of one of the top rated fitness blogs online, Rusty Moore, has created a complete workout program called Visual Impact For Women that is designed to achieve exactly that.

As Rusty explains, the traditional gym routines that most people take part in today work on the wrong muscles too hard. This results in a V-shaped torso, which is not what most women want to achieve at all. Rusty goes on to explain that most women simply want to create small, toned, compact muscles just like the Hollywood stars have; however, unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, they will never achieve this while following all of the general fitness programs available out there today.

The good news is that the components which are necessary to achieve the lean “Hollywood look” are all found inside the Visual Impact For Women program, which focus on this goal only.

More specifically, the Visual Impact For Women program contains several guides and on top of them is the main guide that contains 89 pages which are divided into 20 chapters. Through this guide Rusty Moore details all of the studies and theories behind his system along with advice on nutrition and the truth about weight loss myths.

The second guide, called “Fat Torching Cardio” gives you a 12 week cardio plan that will help you to maximize your fat loss efforts. It also goes into some of the more advanced techniques and strategies like Pyramid Intervals, HIIT and many more.

The “Exercise Demonstrations” guide features almost 230 pages of comprehensive information on the exercises. The extensive selection of workout routines are broken down in this guide by exercise along with photos illustrating how to correctly perform almost every exercise you can think of.

Lastly, the “Visual Impact For Women Printable Workout Charts” give you a great minimalistic tool that will enable you to perform the exercises correctly until you have memorized each workout routine…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Designed By A Fitness Expert

The first, and one of the most important advantages of this program is that it was created by one of the few fitness experts who specialize in getting women from wherever they are currently, to a lean sexy Hollywood look. Rusty Moore’s blog is one of the most famous fitness sites online and his many years of experience along with his excellent reputation make him someone that inspires trust and peace of mind.

Unique Information That Is Easy To Understand

With the focus on long term results, the Visual Impact For Women program covers why it is much more important to learn how to train properly with a full understanding of what the body is doing rather than simply finishing a workout program and wondering what to do next.

In addition, this program covers a wide range of topics that are not addressed in other fitness programs for women. These include discussions about the effectiveness of Yoga, unique methods for losing muscle in the hips and legs amongst many more.

The Program Can Be Customized For Your Specific Needs

When it comes to the workouts, Visual Impact For Women offers a great level of customization. The variety within this program is much more extensive than in other popular fitness programs, and almost all of the workouts in Visual Impact For Women can be tweaked and adjusted according to your own individual needs.

To add to the flexibility of the program, Rusty provides separate workout routines for home training and gym training, giving women the freedom to choose where they prefer to train.

Only Relevant Information

The concise, straight to the point style in which the Visual Impact For Women guide is written makes it enjoyable to read and very easy to follow. This is a refreshing change from almost all of the other fitness guides that contain so much unnecessary information and padding.

Realistic Claims

Another thing that we particularly like about Visual Impact For Women is the fact that Rusty Moore does not over promise and claim outrageous false results. Instead, he is extremely straight forward about what works rather than what you may want to hear.

Money-Back Guarantee For Two Months

Rusty Moore is so confident about the effectiveness of the Visual Impact For Women program that he offers his customers a full money back guarantee for two months. This means you can try the program out completely risk free.


The Main Cons


May Not Suit Every Woman

The Visual Impact For Women program requires dedication, determination, commitment and a lot of self discipline. Those women who are not used to working out for few hours every week may find that some of the workout routines are too difficult for them.

The Nutrition Advice Is Pretty Basic

Although the Visual Impact For Women main guide does contain some advice on nutrition it would have been helpful if this had gone into more depth in our opinion.

Not Available In Stores

The Visual Impact For Women program is only available online and unfortunately it cannot be purchased in physical version at stores.


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 8.5/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Customer Support - 8.5/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9.5/10

Overall, there is no doubt that Visual Impact For Women by Rusty Moore is a unique program for women who want to get the lean “Hollywood Look”, and this program gets an average rating of 8.9/10 from us.

What we really like about Visual Impact For Women is that it is one of the very few programs for women that really focus on building toned, compact muscles and not big and bulky body. In addition, the fact that Rusty Moore added easy to follow directions in his main guide can allow you to customized the program for your specific fitness needs, which is another big plus that makes the program more effective.

All in all, if you are looking for a practical fitness program that was designed for women only in order to get the slim, feminine look and not a V-shaped torso, then Visual Impact For Women program may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the 60 days money back guarantee that Rusty Moore provides actually makes the Visual Impact For Women system 100% risk-free, which is always another positive aspect that you should take into account when choosing a fitness program to follow…

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