Charging Your Metabolism For Effective Weight Loss

Filed in Weight Loss by on January 22, 2015 0 Comments

Charging Your Metabolism For Weight Loss
One of the most important factors facing individuals in the 21st century is the high-speed, incredibly fast and stressful pace of life. While some individuals may feel that this anxiety and stress can lead to weight loss, for others this psychological impact can lead to weight gain. This weight gain is generally obtained through ‘comfort eating’ or undergoing ‘starvation mode’.

This article provides information on how the metabolism can influence one’s weight and how to treat weight loss effectively.

As is mentioned above, starvation or famine mode can cause detrimental weight gain. This is due to the fact that the body’s metabolism is not functioning at optimal level and is depriving the body of essential calories. These essential calories are required in order to obtain and maintain energy for the calories are altered to form the correct amount of energy for the individual. Unfortunately, a body in starvation mode will conserve the calories leading to storage of fat.

Starvation or famine mode is a type of defense mechanism for situations where food is limited. The majority of weight loss diet plans can send a body into this mode; however, despite restricting food intake it is likely that one will gain weight instead of losing it. In fact, if one chooses to imitate this defense mechanism through restrictive dieting it is often the case that one will lose muscle instead of stored fat. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive the correct amount of calories and as calories are required for muscle functioning this can lead to muscle deterioration.

In order to reduce weight gain and maintain a safe calorie deficit that will not influence one’s metabolism negatively, it is recommended that one’s basal metabolic rate remain between 500-1000. A reduction in daily calories to the amount of 500 calories is effective in weight loss while not influencing muscle growth. Starvation mode will be experienced if one removes 1000 or more calories per day from a diet. This reduction amount must be avoided at all costs.

The loss of calories can be attributed to a poorly functioning metabolism. One of the most common indicators of a slow metabolism, in addition to easy weight loss or weight gain, is the sensation of chills irrespective of the environment’s current temperature. Further signs of a slow metabolism can include sleep pattern disruption, migraines, irritability, an inability to focus on events, memory difficulties, a lowered libido and unhealthy skin and nails.

If a metabolism is not functioning at optimal level it is due to the fact that it is not receiving correct nutrition. In order to improve the functioning of a poor metabolism one must eat more regularly and avoid skipping meals. One of the most important meals to consume is breakfast. This is due to breakfast being the first meal of the day after long periods of sleep. If one avoids eating this important meal it is likely that the body will convert to starvation mode.

It is also recommended that one partake in regular exercise and develop a healthy exercise routine in order to remedy a poorly functioning metabolism. Exercise assists in burning fat and gaining muscle; therefore it is highly effective in weight loss without detrimental muscle loss effects. A metabolism operating at optimal levels can be attained through engaging in strength training with different cardio exercises.

In conclusion, maintaining an effective metabolism can contribute to both weight loss and the gaining of lean muscle. By following the information above it is likely that one can avoid negative behaviors which lead to a slow metabolism.

You can find more useful tips that will help you to boost your metabolism for weight loss in the video below.

We hope you enjoyed reading this post and we wish you the best!


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