Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis Explained
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune chronic painful condition that affects joints and connective tissue by causing inflammation.
Patients with this condition seek for alternatives to minimize the joint pain. However it is important for one to consult their doctor before embarking on any specific diet regime especially if they are on medications.
This article will highlight some of the best foods that you should include in your diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
1. Avoid Foods causing inflammation
Omega-6 fatty acids have been linked with causing inflammation and even increased propensity to obesity. Therefore foods like soybean, egg york and sunflower are to be avoided or eaten in very low quantities.
2. Vitamin supplements
These are necessary especially due to the steroid treatment in menopausal women. It is common to receive mineral supplements like magnesium, selenium and zinc. The vitamins which can be added include B6, B12, C, D and E. Vitamin E has been shown to reduce joint stiffness besides its benefits as an antioxidant. folate is given because of methotrexate use.
3. Olive oil
It has similar results with aspirin and some NSAIDS. It is thought to have oleocanthal which is known to antagonize inflammatory enzymes.
4. Vegetables and High Fiber diet
To greatly reduce inflammation it is recommended that one consumes a lot vegetables and high fiber diet. They are not only good supplements in terms of vitamins and proteins but also help in acting as an anti-inflammatory. Fruits are also another important component of diet. CRP levels have been documented to reduce by use of strawberries.
5. Fish oil
Consumption of natural foods like salmon, trout is considered a safe option. Precautions should be taken because of the interaction with NSAIDS. Fish oil has been reported to relieve morning stiffness and painful joints.
6. Eat omega-3’s
It reduces the inflammation and is cardio protective.
This may however prove to be an expensive affair if one wants to get the desired maximal results. Considering the fact that fish is not readily available all the time.
7. Dairy
This may contain some certain proteins which may exacerbate the symptoms. Antibodies formed against the milk proteins always end up in joints. Almond milk is a fantastic alternative to dairy milk.
8. Coffee
It has been linked with development of anti-CCP which has according to published data has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis. To be on the safe side, cut down on coffee.
9. Meat
Meat generally has higher calories and fat which can be broken down to products which lead to inflammation. Plants can be a great way to supplement for proteins.
10. Gluten
This is found in barley and wheat products. It is well known to cause inflammation in other disease conditions and may thus act the same in most rheumatoid patients.
In conclusion, always change diet one at a time and remember to always consult your doctor before. It is noted most of the diet regime may not be very sustainable and thus most people always default. However as a general rule of thumb, eat a balanced diet always. For now until a conclusive research is carried out, this is the diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis that we will personally recommend…