Seven Benefits Of Oxygen Therapy

Filed in Diseases And Conditions by on June 30, 2016 0 Comments

Oxygen TherapyIf you have COPD or another condition that makes it difficult for your lungs to get the Oxygen you need, then oxygen therapy can help you improve your life in a number of ways.

Oxygen therapy has all kinds of benefits, and here are a few of the perks it can offer:

1. It Can Prolong Your Life

Studies have shown that people who receive regular oxygen therapy are able to live longer and happier lives. The survival rate for people who get regular oxygen therapy is significantly higher than the survival rate for people that don’t get it.

If your doctor has prescribed daily supplemental oxygen, you should follow their instructions closely. It is important to say that if you under-use your oxygen, it won’t be as effective.

2. It Can Reduce Your Risk Of Complications

There are a lot of complications associated with lung conditions. It can lead to pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, and a number of other serious health complications. In many cases, it can even lead to death.

However, if you take oxygen, your risk of complications will fall significantly. Your heart will get all of the oxygen it needs, which will keep it healthy.

If you’re worried about the risk of heart failure or other complications, you should make sure you take advantage of oxygen therapy. It can help to keep you safe.

3. It Can Ease Your Symptoms

Many lung conditions have symptoms that are extremely debilitating. It can cause fatigue, shortness or breath, dizziness, and depression. A lot of people are overwhelmed by these symptoms.

If you want to reduce these symptoms and improve your overall health, you should make sure that you get oxygen therapy regularly. When you have the extra oxygen you need, the frequency of these symptoms will be reduced. Your condition will be a lot less disabling. Oxygen therapy can have a very positive impact on the way you feel.

4. It Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

When you aren’t able to get the oxygen you need, every organ in your body suffers. Your body needs oxygen in order to function. If you aren’t getting enough oxygen, you may experience a great deal of discomfort.

Oxygen can improve every aspect of your life. You will be able to get better sleep. You’ll be able to lift your mood. You will feel alert and have more stamina. You’ll also be able to stay out of the hospital. If you want to lead a happy life, you need to take advantage of everything that oxygen therapy can provide.

5. It Can Give You More Flexibility

When you have a lung condition, it can be difficult to do the kind of things you want to do. You may not be able to go out with your friends because you are unable to breathe. You might not be able to go out to see a new movie, or try a new restaurant.

The technology surrounding oxygen therapy has changed considerable. An oxygen tank doesn’t have to tie you to your home. There are portable tanks that you can take with you.

If you utilize one of these tanks, your condition won’t get in the way of your social life. You’ll be able to do all of the things that you want to do.

6. It Can Make It Easier To Travel

Many people with serious conditions feel as though they can’t travel and explore new places. They may feel as though their condition requires them to stay close to home.

It is true that flying can be dangerous if you have lung issues. The air is thinner when you fly, which can lead to hypoxemia.

However, it is possible to take an oxygen tank with you on the plane. You’ll be able to get supplemental oxygen if you need it. You can travel anywhere you want to and make the most of your life.

7. It Can Help You Get Exercise

When you can’t breathe properly, it can be very hard to get exercise. However, regular exercise can improve lung function. If you can find a way to get more exercise, you should take advantage of it.

If you have poor exercise tolerance, you should talk to your doctor about oxygen therapy. Find a way that you can get the kind of exercise you need. Using oxygen during exercise will help to reduce the sensation of breathlessness, and can allow you to get in a solid workout.

As you can see, oxygen therapy has all kinds of benefits. If you are not currently using oxygen, you should talk to your doctor about it. If you are using oxygen, you should make sure that you use it as prescribed. Try to see if you can get access to a portable oxygen machine. Oxygen can enhance your life in a number of ways.

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