Causes Of Low Testosterone And How To Deal With It

Filed in Diseases And Conditions by on October 10, 2015 0 Comments

causes of low testosterone


Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in a man’s body. This is the hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics, sexual health, vitality, and muscle growth among many other male features. Testosterone is primarily produced naturally in the testicles as soon as one hits the adolescence age. Although produced naturally by prostate glands, testosterone production starts to decline as soon as man hits the age of 30.

This however doesn’t mean many of the male characteristics or performance in bed will be greatly affected as normal production can be restored. Proper eating habits and regular body exercise are some of the most recommended natural ways of restoring testosterone production.

Many men, however, suffer from low T levels even when at a tender of age in their twenties. A number of factors can cause the low testosterone levels in men. Some of these factors are discussed below.

1. Undescended testicles: Under normal circumstances, testicles develop in the abdomen and move down to the scrotum over time. There are instances when one, or both testicles do not descend to the rightful place. If this condition isn’t detected and corrected during childhood, it may lead to reduced testosterone production as well as testicle malfunction. Very few occurrences of this have however been recorded.

2. Infection in the testicles: This is one of the most common causes of low testosterone production in men. When there is an infection in or around the testes, then a remarkably low testosterone production may be experienced. The most common testicle infections include mumps orchitis and hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is an infection caused by too much iron in the blood while mumps orchitis is a condition resulting from long-term testicular damage.

3. Testicle injuries: Testicular injuries are also known to impact blood t levels. The testicles are made of tissue muscles and glands that produce the hormone. In case of an injury, these cells and tissues start a self-healing process, which results in lower testosterone production. Although found in between the legs, testicles are prone to injuries as they are found outside the body.

4. Cancer treatments: Radiation therapy or chemotherapy are also believed to interfere with both sperm and testosterone production. Low sperm and testosterone production makes love making a big issue for most men. This is because the body doesn’t have enough energy to sustain an erection thus making love making pleasurable. Persons undergoing chemotherapy suffer the biggest blow from this, as chemicals used hamper normal body processes.

5. Sexually transmitted diseases and infections: STD’s are also believed to impact testosterone production. This is the reason why anyone with a sexually transmitted infection should seek medical attention before the condition becomes worse. Cellular degeneration caused by these infections makes it almost impossible for the testes to produce testosterone at all.

6. Obesity: This is more of a nutritional imbalance whereby the patient creates a dependence on fast foods. Fasts foods are high in preservatives, carbs, and fats that are high in cholesterol. Although these foods may seem yummy, they are the perfect recipe for obesity, a condition that greatly affects testosterone production among many other vital hormones. A buildup of bad cholesterol interferes with communication between the pituitary glands and the testicles thus reducing T production. This is the reason why most obese and overweight persons underperform in bed.

7. Lack of body exercise: Your body needs regular exercise for body organs to remain healthy to support normal functions. Lack of exercise, however, makes vital organs dormant thus leading to obesity and accumulation of fats in the body. Many people today lead a dormant life such that, they drive to work, take lifts and even order lunch to be brought to their desks. Leading such a life not only affects testosterone production, but also increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. Taking the stairs, swimming, walking in the park, or jogging in the morning can improve T levels remarkably.

Alcoholism has also been linked to hypogonadism in most men. Some men cannot go a day without taking a couple bottles of alcohol. Increased levels of alcohol in the blood make it almost impossible for the body to produce enough testosterone among other vital hormones needed for healthy growth and performance. This is the reason patients are advised to stay away from alcohol to contain hypogonadism. Eating well-balanced meals and exercising regularly can also help contain this condition for good. You however should see a doctor for help and advice on how to manage this condition…

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